Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the WHY

Sam: A blogger I am not. The idea of having anyone read what I've written makes me uncomfortable. Truth be told, I don't even update my Facebook status for the same reason. If knowledge is power, then allowing a stranger (or someone I know) to read my thoughts gives them power. Make sense? No? I didn't think so.

But somehow through a barrage of pleas and puppy dog looks (and quite possibly a bit of black magic) Kassy has convinced me to join forces with her and start a blog. She's the creative genius of the pair (note the awesome banner, background, font, ect. It's all her.) I just write (and sometimes not even well.) It's a common misconception that English majors are always good writers. I'm not a fantastic writer (subject, verb. Anything beyond that is an added bonus.) I can't spell either (husband, huspand?) I studied English because I love to read. Not because I can write.

Er... What was I saying?  Oh, right. Why we're blogging.

Over the past 3 and a half years, Kassy and I have done a lot together, but we've never tried a creative collaboration. So, since I've graduated and we no longer live together, we've (and by "we" I mean "Kassy") decided to try blogging together in an attempt to stay connected in another way besides the usual texting, letters, and emails. After all, you've got to keep the relationship fresh.

Kassy: Just the other day, I remarked to my sister that if anyone ever read Sam and my text messages, they would either think a) we’re insane or b) we’re totally shady people.  Which, we’re not… I don’t think.  Anyway, it was a conversation kind of like this that first sparked the idea.  Now, my memory is not the most crystalline, however, I’m pretty sure it went something like this…

Sam: Blah blah.
Kassy: Blah blah blah.  *pause, ponder*  You know, we have the best conversations about things.
Sam: *blank stare*
Kassy: Like, we have enough in common to not COMPLETELY disagree (most of the time) but we still manage to have fairly different opinions on stuff.
Sam: *blank stare*
Kassy: You know what we should do?  We should blog together!!!!  I follow this one amazing and hilarious blog by these two gals who are friends and who blog together… we could totally do that!
Sam: *classic Sam look*
Kassy: Come on, pleaseee!  It would be so much fun!  It’s not like you’re going to have anything else to do being all graduated and stuff…
Sam: *rolls eyes*  [insert sarcastic comment of (sort of) acquiescence here]

So, under the belief that this conversation is not completely fabricated by the goo that is my brain/memory, this is how the idea to blog together was born.  The actual conversation probably also included some points about how English majors are supposed to like to write… and questioning whether Kassy was going to be able to keep to a schedule… and what on Earth we were going to talk about… etc.  But the idea was there, and I was going to run with it.  I mean, since I can’t knock on her door a hundred times a week, I had to find another way to annoy ramble at her.


  1. I'm really looking forward to this, ladies. I ADORE Barbara and Deb, and this looks like fun. You know what I spotted right off--Kas, I think I spotted why I grew on you pretty fast--your BFF and I seem to process very similarly

    Sam, I'm not sure that bodes well for YOU--I'm quite insane, but your style felt so EXACTLY how I'd put it... sort of nuts, really. I really am looking forward to this!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS, lovely ladies!!! Thankfully Hart let me know you were up and running and I RAN OVER HERE AS QUICKLY AS I COULD!

    I love love love it. You both have awesome voices and perfect 'tude. I smell a blockbuster blog. See you in the blogoshere!

    xo Barbara

  3. Hmm, that's an interesting thought, Tami.

    Thanks, Barbara! I was going to let you guys know... promise. *oops*

    Thank you both for stopping by. I'm excited, and it's nice to have support already. :)


  4. well, i've stumbled across this blog and woah, isn't this intriguing :) i gotta agree with kassy that this blog idea is pretty darn cool; i'm kinda interested in how this will end up.
    oh, and sam - ur a great writer. really, you are :)


    check mine?:

  5. Thanks, AA.
    Kassy does tend to have fantastic ideas when it comes to all things creative.
    We're interested to see how this will end up, too!
    *crosses fingers and whispers a prayer to the blogging fairies*
